I was trying to fix the issue and i found that the toggle() function...

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I was trying to fix the issue and i found that the toggle() function is causing the issue only in IE 8 and below versions. I wrote a small snippet of code which fixed the issue.

//added to stop the page redirection onclick of question in FAQ's if browser mode is IE8 only if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 8) { //unbinding all the events on the faq question DIV $("div.faq-question").unbind(); //show and hide answers $("div.faq-question").click(function(e) { if ( $(this).next("div.faq-answer").css('display') == 'none') { $(this).next("div.faq-answer").css("display","block"); } else { $(this).next("div.faq-answer").css("display","none"); } e.preventDefault(); }); }
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