My setup where I am able to reproduce the issue and really looking for a solu...

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My setup where I am able to reproduce the issue and really looking for a solution:

* There are two languages (EN and AR) enabled
* Content Moderation is enabled
* I have a paragraph field in node (translation enabled for node, disabled for the field)
* That paragraph field contains another paragraph field (translation enabled for the field here as without that I'm not able to add translations)
* Second level paragraph contains two fields (Image and Link), both of them have translations enabled

Everything seems working fine when adding/editing content for EN
Everything works fine for adding translations on AR
When I go to update the images after saving once without changing moderation state, it saves the files with status 0 and no entry in usage table, I tried to debug and I can see delete() is called in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityStorageBase.php::invokeFieldMethod for $method: 'postSave', still trying to figure out why it is not having proper translations in $entity here and $entity->original contains translation for both languages.

This is resulting into two issues, one mentioned above (when trying to edit this node as second user since the file is having status = 0, it is not allowing to reference) and file is deleted during garbage collection in file_cron.

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