Hi Guys,
I am involved in a system where custom paypal integration was done(s...

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Hi Guys,

I am involved in a system where custom paypal integration was done(something adaptive and chained payments).

So I have a custom function which is called after paypal transaction is cancelled. So i have handled the situation there by Reverting back the GC transaction to "void", in the following way.

// We have order object, so checking if GC transactions are present in order // Assuming only one Transaction id is present and also that transaction id is in pending state. if(isset($order->data['giftcard_transaction_ids'])) { $transaction_id = trim($order->data['giftcard_transaction_ids'][0]); commerce_gc_transaction_change_status(array($transaction_id), array(COMMERCE_GC_TRANSACTION_PENDING_STATUS), COMMERCE_GC_TRANSACTION_VOID_STATUS); }

I Guess, Same thing can be done in Commerce paypal module's function commerce_paypal_ec_redirect_form_back() by invoking a custom hook or so.

Please correct me if i there is some problem with my conditions.

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