Tested the issue in two scenarios:
Test 1
Without running the n...

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Tested the issue in two scenarios:

Test 1
Without running the necessary Drush command:
Components field was missing due to an incomplete installation process.

Test 2
With running the necessary Drush command:
Components field was added correctly, and everything worked as expected.

Ensure that the installation steps are followed correctly, including running the essential Drush command to enable the required modules.
Related to
Please do not submit issues if your installation finished with WSOD - this means that you are using CivicTheme that was not fully installed. Install a patch mentioned above and restart your installation from scratch.

Steps Taken to Debug:
Fresh Installation:
Downloaded CivicTheme as an archive.
Extracted it to the themes directory.
Ran the sub-theme script and followed the instructions in the project/readme.

Scenario 1: Missing Components Field
Did not run the necessary Drush command:
drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/theme-settings.provision.inc'; civictheme_enable_modules();"
Result: The field components were missing due to an incomplete installation process.

Scenario 2: Successful Installation
Followed the latest installation steps from CivicTheme Drupal project page.
Ran the necessary Drush command & followed the Patch installation.
drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/theme-settings.provision.inc'; civictheme_enable_modules();"
Result: All components were added correctly, and everything worked as expected.

The issue of missing components field in the node form display was due to not running the required Drush command during the installation process. https://docs.civictheme.io/development/drupal-theme#usage

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