This could go as a separate issue but since D10 compatibility is talked here,...

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This could go as a separate issue but since D10 compatibility is talked here, I would like to mention that I am having a hard time to make this module work with Drupal 10. I have tried this on a fresh Drupal 10 installation but the issue persists.

Post adding the keys, secret and channel, I have created a template(attached is the configuration of it). For ease, I have added just the title field to the template.

When I create a new article and have Publish to Apple News checked, the node gets saved but get an error Apple News: INVALID_DOCUMENT. In the database log, I see this message:

User notice: Array ( [code] => 400 [message] => HTTP/2 400 [response] => stdClass Object ( [errors] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [code] => INVALID_DOCUMENT [keyPath] => Array ( ) [message] => Exception while processing the article with Message Expected to find an object with property ['metadata'] in path $ but found 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.NullNode'. This is not a json object according to the JsonProvider: 'com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JacksonJsonNodeJsonProvider'. ) ) ) ) in C:\laragon\www\drupal10\vendor\chapter-three\apple-news-api\src\PublisherAPI\Base.php on line 197 in ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\PublisherAPI\Base->triggerError() (line 288 of C:\laragon\www\drupal10\vendor\chapter-three\apple-news-api\src\PublisherAPI\Base.php)

Is there anything that I have missed?

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