The changes work except for one thing in my case. I had to slightly change th...

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The changes work except for one thing in my case. I had to slightly change the TWIG template to make a video thumbnail clickable (local video). This could be because of my theme and so I am not committing the changes to the branch but I wonder if anyone else saw that. This is the change I made to the corresponding template.

Line 29:

<img src="{{ item.thumb }}" />

Changes to:

{% if item.field_label is not empty %} <div class="field-label"> <label>{{ item.field_label }}</label> </div> {% endif %} <div class="field-content"> <a href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{ item.thumb }}" /> </a> </div>

This is as per the HTML structure used for image thumbnails. The main relevant change is the addition of <div class="field-content">

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Needs Review
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