Apologies for coming so late to this. Here are my notes:
- You're right about...

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Apologies for coming so late to this. Here are my notes:
- You're right about the symfony/finder version. It won't install on Drupal 8. I wonder how I tested this on Drupal 8.9.
- Even if we install the 2.0.1 version of the package, it possibly won't work because the missing dependency was due to a bug. It did need symfony/finder version 4 and above. Details at https://github.com/DarkGhostHunter/Preloader/releases/tag/v2.0.2.
- So, I think the right move is to drop Drupal 8 support. Drupal 8 isn't supported anymore anyway, so this is an easy decision.

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Needs work
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