I also didn't get any issue when enabling Antibot for a particular form using...

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I also didn't get any issue when enabling Antibot for a particular form using a single form ID or configuring it for all the webforms with 'webform_client_form_*'. Antibot worked fine in both cases.

@Anybody the MR which you have added does add 'webform_client_form_*' to the settings and by default enables it for all the webforms. But the reasons I am not willing to push it to 7.x-1.x are:

1. Users can configure and add webform ID or regex 'webform_client_form_*' if they want to enable Antibot for webforms.
2. I don't want to push anything to the D7 version as we will have to then go for a new release, which might introduce multiple issues. As of now, there is no plan to work on the D7 version.

Marking this as 'Closed (Works as designed)' for now, feel free to reopen the issue if you think we should still keep this open for feedback from other users.

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