I reviewed the patch and here are some suggestions:
+++ b/js/autocomplete.js

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I reviewed the patch and here are some suggestions:

+++ b/js/autocomplete.js @@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ + var minLength = (settings.linkitMinLength) ? settings.linkitMinLength : 1; + autocomplete.options.minLength = minLength;

Remove these and rather let's initialize 'minlength' in the autocomplete object itself. We can do so by adding drupalSettings in the JS file as followed:

  • Replace first line of JS (function ($, Drupal, _, document) { with (function ($, Drupal, _, document, drupalSettings) {
  • Replace last line of JS })(jQuery, Drupal, _, document); with })(jQuery, Drupal, _, document, drupalSettings);
  • The minlength: 1 will become minLength: (drupalSettings.linkitMinLength) ? drupalSettings.linkitMinLength : 1
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