So I looked into this a bit and found out that the admin/content page is a vi...

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So I looked into this a bit and found out that the admin/content page is a view fetching data from the node_field_data database table. And after looking at the data in this table, I found below:

  • For multilingual nodes that don't follow content moderation workflows: There are only 2 states for the node/node-translations, Either published OR UnPublished. Now for both these states, Any edit you make to the node translation, A default revision is created. Which makes an entry to the "node_field_data" database table. And this is the table from which the '/admin/content' page fetches the data. So nothing misses out on the "admin/content" page.
  • For multilingual nodes that follow content moderation workflows: When we create/edit translations, A database entry for the translation is made to the "node_field_data" table. But, The entry happens only and only if the translation’s moderation state has the "default revision" flag enabled. For Ex: If you create a new "draft" translation of a published node, The entry won't be made to the 'node_field_data' table. Hence the translation draft won't be visible on the "admin/content" page.
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