Hi @mkalkbrenner
Agreed. The suggestions are correct but in a flat list.
I ha...

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Hi @mkalkbrenner

Agreed. The suggestions are correct but in a flat list.
I haven't done any custom code for this.
But briefly looked into the code.
Can this be causing the issue

protected function getAutocompleteSpellCheckSuggestions(ResultInterface $result, SuggestionFactory $suggestion_factory) { $suggestions = []; foreach ($this->extractSpellCheckSuggestions($result) as $keys) { $suggestions[] = $suggestion_factory->createFromSuggestedKeys(implode(' ', $keys)); } return $suggestions; }

Here the implode(' ', $keys) statement is what converting it into flat list.
I tried to change the code for testing to

protected function getAutocompleteSpellCheckSuggestions(ResultInterface $result, SuggestionFactory $suggestion_factory) { $suggestions = []; foreach ($this->extractSpellCheckSuggestions($result) as $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $suggestions[] = $suggestion_factory->createFromSuggestedKeys($key); } // $suggestions[] = $suggestion_factory->createFromSuggestedKeys(implode(' ', $keys)); } return $suggestions; }

and results were better.

However, I needed to confirm one thing as in
For this misspelled text "vaihtelu on täysin normaaliu" shouldn't we expect the suggestion like "vaihtelu on täysin normaalii" as against current suggestion which is "normaalii" ?

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