Automated Review

No problem found @

Contribution Date
Contribution Details

Automated Review

No problem found @

Manual Review

Individual user account

Yes: Follows

No duplication

Yes: Does not cause

Master Branch

Yes: Follows


Yes: Follows

3rd party assets/code

Yes: Follows


Yes: Follows

Code long/complex enough for review

Yes: Follows

Secure code

Yes: Meets the security requirements.

Coding style & Drupal API usage

The starred items (*) are fairly big issues and warrant going back to Needs Work. Items marked with a plus sign (+) are important and should be addressed before a stable project release. The rest of the comments in the code walkthrough are recommendations.

If added, please don't remove the security tag, we keep that for statistics and to show examples of security problems.

This review uses the Project Application Review Template.

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