Hi Klausi & stBorchert,
Use variable_get() with defaults and you can com...

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Hi Klausi & stBorchert,

  1. Use variable_get() with defaults and you can completely remove account_settings_email_attachment.install. : Done
  2. Code style could be improved : Current code style is coder module and php sniffer version 1.4.6 checked ,please let me know the style which need to follow
  3. You don't need to use all those if-statements here. Look at the Features module for a clean implementation: Done
  4. The variable $account_settings_email_attachment_attach_id is empty on first visit, so $account_settings_email_attachment_attach_id[$counter] does not exist: isset check is added
  5. The variable $counter is not named very well. Please use a name matching the meaning of the variable: Done
  6. make the upload path for the attachments configurable. Personally I would never store this in the public-files directory.: Changed upload directory to private , directory path configurable I am planning to accomplish it on next iteration
  7. $account_settings_email_attachment_attach_id[$counter] does not exist: isset check added
  8. Why do you replace spaces with comma here? This is very uncommon. Additionally you need to replace it back in: Sorry this was due to my old code when I used custom extension validate function. changed.

I am planning to add multiple file upload support and upload directory configurable on next iteration.
Please let me know your thoughts on it.


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