First of all nice concept.
But here are the list of issues which needs to fix...

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First of all nice concept.

But here are the list of issues which needs to fixed
1) Since you are contributing this module to, you need to make sure that your module follows the proper drupal coding standards and uses its core api functions. It is one thing to extend the behaviour of drupal which is fine, but it's another to reinvent the wheel which i found is the case in your module. for eg

a) using to define your table schema. You can simply use hook_schema to define your table.
b) use .inc extensions instead on .php.
c) using raw sql queries in your code. You should use drupal database api for the same
d) Use of module_load_include is recommended over require_once
e) Instead of using

tag you should use drupal_add_js f) You are not supposed to add header and licensing information in your module or install file. It will be added by into the .info file once it is approved. g) Use of drupal renderable arrays and/or theme api to return output to page callbacks is recommended 2) Once done with coding standards and api issues you can check your module at Its not that the module will not work but it will be difficult to maintain and upgrade the module if these standards are not followed.
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