Thanks for reviewing the project.
@jimmyko -
The Project name is well sui...

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Thanks for reviewing the project.

@jimmyko -

  • The Project name is well suiting the requirements of this module
  • There are some validation on file extension which can not be handled by the ArchiveZip class provided by Drupal core and hence it is not used

@fishfree - This module is a bit different, wherein the user can select the folder in which he wants to upload the file in addition to that user also can create a new folder in public directory. Apart from this, he can filter out certain extensions of the file under the zip folder while extracting. For example - if zip contains .png and .jpg both but the user wants to extract only .jpg then he can put a filter of .jpg in Allowed File Extension to filter this extension out.

@tajinder.minhas - First of all, thanks for extensive testing.

  • There is a warning on line 37 of bulk_file_upload.admin.inc you can put one check isset($form_state['values']) to avoid this warning - Fixed
  • This permission "bulk_file_upload" on line 26 in bulk_file_upload.module is not being used anywhere - This permission is used under hook_menu
  • Line 100 is throwing warning when you select folder for upload - Fixed
  • On line 144 in submit handler you have hardcoded "You can check uploaded file using @path_check + image name" but i uploaded pdf file so it was bit confusing either you can use file instead of image name or any meaningful sentence - Updated

Along with this comment, I am changing the status of the module to "Needs Review"

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