Thanks @torgosPizza for the patch. But I am not sure whether to include this ...

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Thanks @torgosPizza for the patch. But I am not sure whether to include this feature in the module. I understand this will be good for UX, but does this feature really aligns with the purpose of this module?

Re #5:

Once I started digging into how the module operates

The working of the module is very straightforward. After adding item to cart:
- Using commerce APIs get the latest commerce line items in current order object
- Using Drupal Ajax APIs replace the old items with new items

What the patch essentially does is expose the cart forms to an Ajax command, which allows those other modules to do their thing and not be inhibited by the fact that this module did not refresh the cart button once it had been clicked.

Can you give me an example for this? I mean a custom module that ajax changes the "add to cart" button text when item is added to cart. Or does the code in #7 achieves that thing?

P.S. Very sorry for the late reply.

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