Thanks :) Add this tag "PAReview: review bonus" to your project application, ...

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Thanks :) Add this tag "PAReview: review bonus" to your project application, you are eligible for the high priority list.

- Use \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('extra_body_classes_date')->delete();. See,

- I guess you checking whether current user is admin. You can do it using this:

global $user; // Check whether $user has admin role.

Apart from the changes.. I am a bit confused about the scope of this module. What this module does is add some classes to body tag of page markup - if the user is admin. Some other observations:

  • The module description does not states this, you should consider specifying this condition. Also before doing this, consider this - a normal user would also like to add some class to the body markup. If the current page is admin related, I guess Drupal already provides this feature.
  • You are restricting the class to only date, what if the administrator wants it to be some other class.
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