Tested the above patch menu-link-edit-access-2492513-1.patch. Its working fin...

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Tested the above patch menu-link-edit-access-2492513-1.patch. Its working fine. Manually verified admin user can access and edit the menu link with value "/user/login" to another one after applying the patch.

1. Patch applied successfully without errors.
2. Tested on Firefox & chrome browser (Ubuntu 14.04)
2. Added a link 'User Menu' http://localhost/drupal/admin/structure/menu/manage/account/add
3. Before applying patch: On click to edit link, giving an error "You are not authorized to access this page" as an admin user.
4. After applying patch: On click to edit link redirects the user to this url http://localhost/drupal/admin/structure/menu/item/4/edit?destination=/dr...
Result: Issue is resolved after applying the patch. Admin user can able to access and change the menu link.

Screenshot attached.

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