Hi @xurizaemon ,
Which version has commits ae75024 and 0a46516 .
I am using 7...

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Hi @xurizaemon ,
Which version has commits ae75024 and 0a46516 .
I am using 7.x-5.8 and can see following code

/** * Wrapper to call drupal_form_submit() which wasn't required in D6. */ function twitter_oauth_callback() { if (isset($_GET['denied']) || empty($_GET['oauth_token'])) { drupal_set_message(t('The connection to Twitter failed. Please try again.'), 'error'); global $user; if ($user->uid) { // User is logged in, was attempting to OAuth a Twitter account. drupal_goto('admin/config/services/twitter'); } else { // Anonymous user, redirect to front page. drupal_goto('<front>'); } } $form_state['values']['oauth_token'] = $_GET['oauth_token']; drupal_form_submit('twitter_oauth_callback_form', $form_state); }
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