1) Have resolved the translations and run coder module (No issues ...

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1) Have resolved the translations and run coder module (No issues found).

2) Pareview generates zero issues.

3) About the Variable_set in hook_install(): This is optional, and the second parameter in variable_get which is $default has definition as
"The default value to use if this variable has never been set." .
So hook_install is optional since drupal does the job for me. But i will stick with hook_install for now :)

4) GIT CLONE : Pardon for this one, as i said i am new to contribution :)

After removing the maintainer checkbox, i see that author name is removed from git URl.

So below is the URL that is defined

git clone --branch 7.x-1.x http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/kunal.kursija/2452777.git age_calculator

Thank you for all your time !

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