Hello Klauss,
I have resolved the outstanding issues and made the necessary i...

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Hello Klauss,

I have resolved the outstanding issues and made the necessary in repository. below mentioned is the status of some issues raised by you

  • Project page: project detailed description added on module/project page. (DONE)
  • Translations: Strings corrected using placeholders. (DONE)
  • Hook_install(): Hook_install removed and using system_settings_form now. (DONE)
  • Form Constructor definitions: Form docs corrected and also the submit handlers. (DONE)
  • Blocks rendering: Render() function removed from hook_block_view(). (DONE)

By the way i have added "#after_build" because i am using '#type' => 'date' for date input, And there is no #options field to it during form definition.
these #options are not available in form_alters too. Which is the reason #after_build is used.
P.S : Birthdate cannot be a future year, so we have made only past years available by using #after_build (Altering #options).

Thanks for your detailed review and your time. Kindly let me know if any more changes are required or you have any suggestions to enhance this application.

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