I did play around with the code and could think of two approaches and a block...

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I did play around with the code and could think of two approaches and a blocker

Creating a Demo Page: programmatically create a page that shows all components by adding paragraphs for each component. However, this approach requires creating an actual page with these paragraphs, which would need default content.

Alternative Using Views: Another approach could be to create a view that lists all paragraphs. If each field in the paragraph has a default value, you can list them directly in the view. This could serve as a dynamic display of components, though it still relies on having those paragraphs with default content in place.

In both cases the blocker: overriding the paragraph templates to embed/include the SDC components.
Needs to be done manually as done here https://www.drupal.org/project/demo_design_system/issues/3465043#comment...
-- Once all components are updated paragraph templates to embed/include the SDC components. ie : reference https://git.drupalcode.org/project/demo_design_system/-/merge_requests/3...

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