@Harish1688 @manuel.adan @the_glitch
To add the "Shortcuts" star button pleas...

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@Harish1688 @manuel.adan @the_glitch
To add the "Shortcuts" star button please apply adminimal_theme-add_to_shortcuts-3127508-5.patch in the "adminimal_theme.settings.yml" config file. Working fine. Please check the below image:

After "adminimal_theme-add_to_shortcuts-3127508-5.patch"
Image removed.

But the star icon is not visible properly. So I have applied the second patch adminimal_theme-add_to_shortcuts-3127508-8.patch for the CSS change and It's working fine. Please check the below images:

Before "adminimal_theme-add_to_shortcuts-3127508-8.patch"
Image removed.

After "adminimal_theme-add_to_shortcuts-3127508-8.patch"
Image removed.

Both the patch works fine.

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Reviewed and Tested by Community
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