This issue is related to Drupal 10.
Please check the below steps to reproduce...

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This issue is related to Drupal 10.
Please check the below steps to reproduce this issue

  1. Install Drupal 10.
  2. Add "Adminimal" as an administration theme.
  3. Now click on "Structure", for the active menu items, the icons of the toolbar aren't displaying.

It's because there is no stable theme existing in the core folder.

So we need to update the background image path instead of "/core/themes/stable/images/core/icons/787878/file.svg" need to update "/core/misc/icons/787878/file.svg".

Please check the below code with the updated path.

/* Main menu icons. */ .adminimal .toolbar-icon-system-admin-content:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/file.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-system-admin-structure:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/orgchart.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-system-themes-page:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/paintbrush.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-entity-user-collection:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/people.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-system-modules-list:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/puzzlepiece.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-system-admin-config:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/wrench.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-system-admin-reports:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/barchart.svg); } .adminimal .toolbar-icon-help-main:active:before, .adminimal { background-image: url(/core/misc/icons/787878/questionmark-disc.svg); }

Please check the updated patch. I have added interdiff file to compare #9 patch.

+Needs review

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