Hi @esteban.arias,
I tried registry rebuild as well as a clear cache from Drush command as well as from site configuration
I installed the module and its working.
But what happens, if I change the theme in block configuration from default to any other style(like the bottom, right, etc) it gives me the warning. So only for default, it is working not for other themes selection(like the bottom, right, etc).
Warning: fopen(/var/www/html/drupal7/sites/all/modules/important_information/themes/bottom.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied in _important_information_settings_theme() (line 83 of /var/www/html/drupal7/sites/all/modules/important_information/important_information.inc).
Warning: fopen(/var/www/html/drupal7/sites/all/modules/important_information/themes/right.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied in _important_information_settings_theme() (line 83 of /var/www/html/drupal7/sites/all/modules/important_information/important_information.inc).
Attaching a screenshot of it. Filename: screenshot-drupal7.bn-2019.04.04-17-50-29.png
Thanks and Regards