Tested the MR
- Result : Duplicate entires are removed.
Steps followed
- Inst...

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Tested the MR
- Result : Duplicate entires are removed.

Steps followed
- Installed version composer require 'drupal/password_policy:^3.1' (Current Release) as of 06/07/2022
- Configure the module to have a site policy
- Created a new user/existing and updated the password of the existing user (Did this for at least 3 different users)
- Checked the password_policy_history table and found duplicate entries of the same user request
- Note: this issue has been fixed https://www.drupal.org/project/password_policy/issues/3095980 and is avaliable in latest dev 'drupal/password_policy:3.x-dev@dev'
- Applied the patch from the above issue.
- The duplicate entries are removed.

Making this as RTBC

Issue Status
Reviewed and Tested by Community
Contribution Author
Files count
Patches count