Tested the patch from #40
All suggestions are rectified in the latest patch

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Tested the patch from #40
All suggestions are rectified in the latest patch
Steps followed.
Added a custom form

$form['options'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Various Options by Checkbox'), '#options' => array( 'key1' => t('Option One'), 'key2' => t('Option Two'), 'key3' => t('Option Three'), ), );$form['options'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Various Options by Checkbox'), '#is_group_member' => FALSE, '#options' => array( 'key1' => t('Option One'), 'key2' => t('Option Two'), 'key3' => t('Option Three'), ), );

Added custom class in preprocess hook using the variable is_group_member
Patch works correctly.

Issue Status
Reviewed and Tested by Community
Contribution Author
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