Automated test of your git repo shows error please fix them.
you can found th...

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Automated test of your git repo shows error please fix them.
you can found them at URL

please change you git clone command to

git clone --branch 7.x-1.x

Manual Review

Individual user account

Yes: Follows

No duplication

Yes: Does not cause

Master Branch

Yes: Follows


Yes: Follows

3rd party assets/code

Yes: Follows


No: Does not follow You should improve your project page, you can do it following Project page template. Also update your README.txt file using Readme template

Code long/complex enough for review

Yes: Follows

Secure code

Yes: Meets the security requirements.

Coding style & Drupal API usage

1.(*) Until user provide full date year month hour minute in


data does not save, can we have an error message at least.
2.(*) If $from_date is greater than $to_date then it is not working. look for ($form_state['values']['module'] == 'block')

The starred items (*) are fairly big issues and warrant going back to Needs Work.

This review uses the Project Application Review Template.

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