Followings are few observations,
You have already converted path to lower i...

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Followings are few observations,

  1. You have already converted path to lower in device_detector.module LN#122 and again converting coverted string at LN#18
  2. I'll encourage you to set 'device_detector_node_urls' variable converting all paths to lowecase to avoid doing so while prerocessing html LN#21 & LN#25
  3. Please update comment or correct the assignment // Body class container array. $body_classes = '';
  4. Please remove
    default: break;

    from device_detector.module LN#198

  5. Is it possible to prefix module name to following variables to have a consistency
    1. is_body_settings_chkd will change to device_detector_is_body_settings_chkd
    2. is_brwsr_settings_chkd will change to device_detector_is_brwsr_settings_chkd
    3. is_dsktp_settings_chkd will change to device_detector_is_dsktp_settings_chkd
    4. is_dvc_settings_chkd will change to device_detector_is_dvc_settings_chkd

Please lemme know if you need more info on above suggested changes.

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