Hi hurley, thanks for the work.
Here is the list of issues which needs to be ...

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Hi hurley, thanks for the work.

Here is the list of issues which needs to be fixed.

1) Is there exists any special need to add js and css to "gpa_calculator_settings_form" via form_alter?
If not you can add the js and css in the form constructor function itself.

function gpa_calculator_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { switch ($form_id) { case 'gpa_calculator_settings_form': drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'gpa_calculator') . '/css/gpa_calculator.admin.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'gpa_calculator') . '/js/gpa_calculator.admin.js', array('scope' => 'footer')); break; } }

2) Keep consistency when providing parameters to the form constructor functions. you have created two forms each with different signatures i;e

/** * GPA Calculator settings form. */ function gpa_calculator_settings_form() {


/** * GPA Calculator form. */ function gpa_calculator_form($form, &$form_state) {

3) You can use $form['#attached']['js']/$form['#attached']['css'] to add js/css to your form. It takes care of loading of js/css also when form is served form cache. Its a good practice to have.

4) There a various place where unnecessary variables have been used.
for eg

$gpa_calculator_school_name = variable_get('gpa_calculator_school_name', ''); $gpa_calculator_instructions = variable_get('gpa_calculator_instructions', ''); $gpa_calculator_grades = variable_get('gpa_calculator_grades', ''); $form['gpa_calculator'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Settings for GPA Calculator'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ); $form['gpa_calculator']['gpa_calculator_school_name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('School'), '#description' => t('Enter you school\'s name here. If blank, block subject will read as "GPA Calculator."'), '#default_value' => $gpa_calculator_school_name, ); $form['gpa_calculator']['gpa_calculator_instructions'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Instructions'), '#description' => t('Provide instructions or a description for your GPA calculator.'), '#default_value' => $gpa_calculator_instructions, ); $grades_options_example = ' 4.0|A '; $grades_options_example .= '3.67|A- '; $grades_options_example .= '3.33|B+ '; $grades_options_example .= '3.0|B '; $grades_options_example .= '2.67|C+ '; $grades_options_example .= '2.33|C '; $grades_options_example .= '2.0|C- '; $grades_options_example .= '1.67|D+ '; $grades_options_example .= '1.33|D '; $grades_options_example .= '1.0|D- '; $grades_options_example .= '0.0|F'; $grades_description = t('Enter grade options for the select box values. Key-value pairs must be entered separated by pipes. i.e. safe_key|Some readable option on separate lines. If blank, default values will be:') . $grades_options_example; $form['gpa_calculator']['gpa_calculator_grades'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Grades'), '#description' => check_plain($grades_description), '#default_value' => $gpa_calculator_grades, ); $form = system_settings_form($form); return $form; $gpa_table_head = '<div id="grades_table">'; $gpa_table_head .= '<div class="gpa-table-thead">'; $gpa_table_head .= '<div class="gpa-table-cell gpa-th">#</div>'; $gpa_table_head .= '<div class="gpa-table-cell gpa-th">' . t('Class/Course Name') . '</div>'; $gpa_table_head .= '<div class="gpa-table-cell gpa-th">' . t('Grade') . '</div>'; $gpa_table_head .= '<div class="gpa-table-cell gpa-th">' . t('Credits Earned') . '</div>'; $gpa_table_head .= '</div>'; $gpa_table_head .= '<div class="gpa-table-body"></div>'; $form['gpa_table_head'] = array( '#markup' => $gpa_table_head, ); $gpa_table_end = '</div>'; $form['gpa_table_end'] = array( '#markup' => $gpa_table_end, ); module_load_include('inc', 'gpa_calculator', 'gpa_calculator'); $gpa_calculator_school_name = variable_get('gpa_calculator_school_name', '') . ' '; $gpa_calculator = drupal_get_form('gpa_calculator_form'); $blocks['subject'] = $gpa_calculator_school_name . t('GPA Calculator'); $blocks['content'] = $gpa_calculator;

There are few other examples also but i think you got the point

One example of correct usage may be

$form['gpa_calculator']['gpa_calculator_school_name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('School'), '#description' => t('Enter you school\'s name here. If blank, block subject will read as "GPA Calculator."'), '#default_value' => variable_get('gpa_calculator_school_name', ''), );

Declaring variables should be minimized until and unless really needed since every variable takes some memory space.

5) Instead of using $(document).ready(function() {}) in your javascript file you should use

Drupal.behaviors.myModuleBehavior = function (context) { //Do some fancy stuff };

see drupal javascript api for more details

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