The reroll was done properly. Sorry for the confusion, there is something wro...

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The reroll was done properly. Sorry for the confusion, there is something wrong with the tests.

I saw that they are failing because it cannot find some HTML elements which are fetched based on classes like tabs tabs--primary.

+++ b/core/themes/seven/templates/menu-local-tasks.html.twig @@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ - <ul class="tabs primary clearfix" data-drupal-nav-tabs-target>{{ primary }}</ul> + <ul class="tabs tabs--primary clearfix" data-drupal-nav-tabs-target>{{ primary }}</ul> </nav> {% endif %} {% if secondary %} <h2 id="secondary-tabs-title" class="visually-hidden">{{ 'Secondary tabs'|t }}</h2> <nav role="navigation" class="is-horizontal" aria-labelledby="secondary-tabs-title" data-drupal-nav-tabs> - <ul class="tabs secondary clearfix">{{ secondary }}</ul> + <ul class="tabs tabs--secondary clearfix">{{ secondary }}</ul>

This has been changed, and the tests should pass. But it is still failing.

When I renamed tabs tabs--primary to tabs primary all tests are passing. I am not sure about this. Am I looking in right place?

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