I have a similar problem.
I am using a custom zen subtheme. for all practical...

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I have a similar problem.

I am using a custom zen subtheme. for all practical purposes, the subtheme is the STARTERKIT (as I have not customized anything yet).
I created a custom menu and put it in the header section.
here is the html

<div role="navigation" class="block block-menu first last odd blockFloat-processed blockFloat-0 floating-block-active" id="block-menu-menu-sf-menu" style="width: 1180px; left: 43.5px; position: fixed; top: 0px;"> <h2 class="block__title block-title">SF Menu</h2> <ul class="menu"><li class="menu__item is-leaf first leaf"><a class="menu__link active" title="" href="/#a-please-all-budget">a-please-all-budget</a></li> <li class="menu__item is-leaf leaf"><a class="menu__link active" title="" href="/#globally-inspired-cuisine-created-locally">globally-inspired-cuisine-created-locally</a></li> <li class="menu__item is-leaf last leaf"><a class="menu__link active" title="" href="/#strength-of-a-woman">strength-of-a-woman</a></li> </ul> </div>

and the floating block configuration contains #block-menu-menu-sf-menu

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